From the moment a customer enters a company's Storefront, that supplier has the opportunity to engage and nurture a potential sales lead for their business. While lead generation and management is a fundamental function of online marketplaces, as an online process it’s fairly new to the chemical industry.
Sales Leads: Engaging and nurturing opportunities through the account manager

Optimizing our powerful Leads Page
From the moment a customer enters a Knowde storefront, suppliers have the opportunity to engage and nurture a potential sales lead for their business. While lead generation and management is a fundamental function of online marketplaces, as an online process it’s fairly new to the chemical industry.
There are two key elements of handling leads:
- identifying contacts that show interest in a supplier’s products,
- and developing and maintaining relationships with those prospects throughout every stage of the sales funnel.
The Leads Page
Knowde‘s customized Leads Page provides data on each prospect that shows interest in a supplier’s products or storefront.
Has someone requested a TDS? A sample? A quote? Have they viewed a formulation? Knowde surfaces this information immediately to help suppliers identify and contact prospects to begin nurturing them through the sales process.
As a supplier, Knowde would give you the ability to analyze and qualify all of your leads in one place, with easy access to data such as their level of product interest, company information, location, and assigned representative — all on one page, grouped by level of interest.

Our Leads Page lets suppliers easily sort through leads based on their status (Visitor, Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), or Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)). Each lead displays Lead Events, which describes a lead’s most recent activities on your storefront.
One of the most important features of the Leads Page is the scoring and status we apply to every prospect. A Lead Score can be from 0-100 and is based on the actions a user takes on a storefront and the interactions they have with a sales team. This score helps suppliers identify their level of engagement.
The Lead Status indicates the “warmness” of the lead, to help suppliers determine readiness to purchase. Visitors are the coldest Leads and require nurturing, whereas SQLs are hot leads ready make purchases.
In-depth Analysis of a Lead
Each lead has a unique, detailed page where suppliers can view key information about the customer. This profile card shows contact information on the left side of the page, providing suppliers valuable insights about prospects.

There are three options for initiating engagement: Message, Email, or Call. All three will connect a sales representative directly to a lead at the click of a button, and all are handled directly through our platform.
On the right side of the page is the Lead Score card, which shows the lead’s dynamic “score” that is updated with each interaction. Remember: the higher the score, the more qualified the lead.
This section also includes a snapshot of key interests by product, brand, and market. The Lead Status Tracker is right below. This section is editable, meaning suppliers have the ability to manually change the lead status. Editing comes in handy if a sales representative has recently finished a conversation with a lead.
The Knowde Leads Page is an incredibly powerful tool for our suppliers and undergoes dramatic upgrades frequently. We’re constantly bringing our customers even more insights into their leads’ behaviors to drive sales.
The Leads Page is a Premium feature, accessible to only Premium Suppliers. Click here to learn more.