How Master Data Management Drives Revenue and Organic Growth

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Businesses adopt new technologies to drive growth, and sales teams often lead that charge as they try to understand customers better and build stronger relationships. Sound data management practices are among the most critical levers toward sales optimization. Centralized, managed data allows sales teams to spend less time searching for information and more time helping each customer succeed. Organizing product data can help you increase revenue from existing customers and drive organic growth from new customers.

Four Ways Master Data Management Helps Increase Revenue From Existing Customers

  1. Cross-selling and recommending complementary products
  2. Increasing sales efficiency
  3. Improving sales forecasting accuracy
  4. Shortening sales cycles

Four Ways Master Data Management Helps Drive Organic Growth From New Customers

  1. Discovering new applications for existing products
  2. Developing a new product or an entire line
  3. Entering a new market
  4. Winning market share with superior customer service

Provide Better Information to Both Customers and Sales Teams

Improving and making your data centrally available can help customers find accurate information and documents in your product catalog rather than giving up in frustration. Armed with insights about who is looking at your information, your sales team can use your centralized product data to reach out to existing and potential customers with the right messages at the perfect time. Learn more about how Knowde’s data management solutions can support customer satisfaction while helping your sales and customer service teams drive increased revenue.